The easier way to pay. AJIB Pay is a free mobile banking app that allows you to use your phone as your wallet. The app enables you to add your card and use your mobile device to pay on the payment terminals (Point of Sale ‘POS’) that support the ‘contactless’ technology . AJIB Pay is classified as a highly secure way to pay, given that you will be asked to enter your unlock mechanism before paying.
- This service is available for AJIB customers only and works on all Debit & Credit Cards from both Visa & Mastercard.
- AJIB Pay is only available on Android phones that support NFC technology.
How to Start Using AJIB Pay
- Make sure that you have a secure unlock mechanism on your phone that is not shared with anyone.
- Install AJIB Pay from the Google Play Store.
- Tap the plus button
on the app to add* your card details.
- Add the authentication code that you will receive on your registered phone number with AJIB.In case you did not receive a code, please contact our 24/7 Call Center at +96265003005 to have an agent activate the card on your phone.
* If you are using Mastercard Debit or Credit Cards, you need to have the e-commerce limit activated to add the card to AJIB Pay. Transactions afterwards can be performed even if the e-commerce limit is disabled. This is not required if you are using a Visa Debit or Credit Cards.
How to Pay
- Unlock your phone.
- Tap your phone on the payment terminal to complete the transaction.
*If your phone was unlocked for more than 30 seconds, you will have to enter your unlock mechanism again and tap once more to authenticate the payment for security reasons.